Publications and dissemination

Annual reports

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The future exists
Tino Soriano
Lunwerg Editores, S.A. (1992)

David against Goliath
Jordi Rovira and Tino Soriano
S. XXI LLIBRIS 4, S.L. (2011)

You're not alone
Aurelia Maella, Nuria Pardo and Montserrat Daniel
Ediciones Mayo, S.A. (2008)

Going to Chemotherapy
Dr. Josep Sánchez de Toledo, Dr. Jordi Giralt.
F. Enriqueta Villavecchia (1999)

Going to Radiotherapy
Dr. Josep Sánchez de Toledo, Dr. Jordi Giralt.
F. Enriqueta Villavecchia (1999)

My paint book
Clara Roca
Zendrera Zariquiey, S.A. (2005)


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